Good friend penguinV

Two birds with one "Pull"

    As previously said, I was working on OpenCV bug (you can find some details here). The bug was not something to spend more than 2-3 days on, but the problem that was there - compilation time. OpenCV project is a set of C/C++ files (and CUDA ;-) ), which is supposed to be compiled with "cmake" to generate library(ies), containing compiled code. Everything sounded pretty decent, until the moment when I realized that I would need to compile the entire folder with a bit more than a lot of different modules of different shapes and colours to make any changes to the existing code and test it. And just because the modules with reference one-another, creating a web of dependencies, I would need to compile the whole thing every time, not some of the modules independently ("video" module, "java", "core" etc.). It'd be okay if not the fact that every compilation would take 20 minutes. Not nice. So, I switched to the projects that I worked on previously - penguinV.
    The new issue that I found was thrilling - implementation of another feature for EdgeDection algorithm. This time, it was optional median and Gaussian filtering for an image, before it would try to find positive and negative edges.
    I implemented the algorithm the way that the owner of the repo asked (I hope I did it correctly; if not, there is always a possibility to change and resubmit the work) and implemented my own way of approaching the Gaussian task. I found a couple articles, which stated that Gaussian distribution algorithm is not the only way how one can get Gaussian kernel, but there's also an option of using well-known Pascal's triangle to get a line of normally distributed values (source). And this algorithm works just a bit faster than the original. I also was asked by the owner of the repo (ihhub) to fix another issue alongside (issue). More details can be found in the PR :)
   Thank you for your attention! 


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